100wc W32 – Ríona

The President

“Hey you” I heard someone say, I didn’t know were I was but it was dark and cold. I think I was out-side, but I didn’t know. Then suddenly someone grabbed me by the arm. Then I heard the voice again. “You’re coming with me” the person said. Then I heard a door open and they put me in.  I had my eyes closed the whole time and I opened them a bit to see. The lights were on and I was sitting beside the president then he said “you boy are perfect for my plan to mix up the government’s paper so I don’t get fired” he said “You boy will help.” “But should I really do this?” I thought…

5 thoughts on “100wc W32 – Ríona

  1. Hi Ríona, what a great introduction to your 100WC story as it makes the reader interested from the start and curious as to what will happen next! Very well written using your imagination as well as good punctuation and speech marks, oh; and a good dose of mystery!

  2. Haigh Ríona,
    Great 100WC, you managed to keep the tension of what was happening to the boy right to the end when we find out he was with the president. I loved the way you you depended on only what you were hearing and feeling to describe the situation for us, it added to our confusion and tension while reading the story. I also loved the fact that you mixed dialogue (speaking sections) and narrative (describing sections) into your story.
    Great use of the prompt as a cliffhanger at the end too.
    Well done Ríona.

  3. Great use of punctuation Riona! The repetition of ‘then’ really adds to the flow of the story.

    Your descriptions of the unknown setting encourages the reader think and want to read on. Brilliant storyline based around the prompt.

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