100wc W38 Ríona

Animals in Court!

I went down stairs and ate my breakfast. I was listening to the radio while eating my bran flakes. The radio was just talking about traffic and then they said “And here is the director for Animals in Court”. I ran up stairs and said “DAD, DAD come here the director for the new movie is on the radio” “OK, OK” Dad said we both ran down the stairs we heard the radio say “Then the elephant delivered his speech” “Thanks, Paul” Ian Dempsey said thanking the director for his visit “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” I said we missed it”…

One thought on “100wc W38 Ríona

  1. Haigh Ríona,
    Well done on creating a sense of excitement in your 100WC, you knew the main character was sitting eating their breakfast on tenterhooks whilst waiting for the announcement. The use of dialogue also helped to add to the excitement, both from the radio announcer and the conversation between father and son/daughter.
    The deflation that after missing the announcement from the director of “Animals in Court” was a real emotional flip from the excitement earlier on in the piece, ahhhh what a way to end your 100WC.
    Well done Ríona.

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