100wc W36 – Rachel


My brother and I had an idea!   Tonight, Mom was going to a party and Dad was playing poker.   We were home alone!   We started digging and eventually we found the fireworks we had buried a week ago.   Now the only problem was getting them out.   There were 15 large fireworks and trust me they weighed a lot. I took them out of the box one by one.  Our friends arrived and we had great fun.  The fireworks exploded in the sky and lit up in fantastic colours.   We were having so much fun we didn’t realise that Mom came home early! That’s when I knew we should run!

One thought on “100wc W36 – Rachel

  1. Haigh Rachel,
    Of all the things the characters in your story would decide to do, it had to be the fireworks. I loved the fact that your character thought the only problem they had was getting the fireworks out because of the weight, wait till mammy gets home!
    I also loved all the planning your character had put into their escapade,waiting for both parents to be gone, burying the fireworks a week ago and inviting all the friends around all the while believing this was the best idea ever!
    The using of the prompt right at the ending was very appropriate, I would say your character will have graduated college by the time their grounding his finished!
    Well done Rachel.

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