100wc W35 Hannah

Getting my dog Nessa


We wanted to get another dog for months.  We researched breeds to see what dog would suit our family.  My Dad’s dream dog was an English Mastiff.  My Mom brought up that we could get another Yorkie.  We agreed but only for a while.  Then my Mom thought, why not get a bulldog?  We disagreed.  One day as I was walking out from school I saw my brother running towards me.  He seemed very excited.  “We are getting a puppy” he was shouting.  I couldn’t believe it.  I was so excited.  Finally we are getting a dog, but what dog breed was it going to be?  I asked my Mom.  She said we were getting an English Mastiff.  We had to drive all the way to Limerick but it was worth it.  We stopped in McDonalds half way.  Finally we were at the house.  My Mom said they are going to be big so don’t be scared.  As we walked in through the gate we saw the Mom of the pups.  She was huge.  I couldn’t believe that my puppy would be that size someday.  I walked into the house and saw the adorable puppies.  When I looked at them I instantly know which one I wanted.  She ran straight to me.  I picked her up.  I lobed her straight away.  She is now so big.  We bring her to ponds and she likes to drink out of them.  She is part of our family.  The end.

2 thoughts on “100wc W35 Hannah

  1. Haigh Hannah,
    I loved your 100WC, anyone who has ever gotten a dog as a pet knows how much discussion there is around what type of dog, boy or girl and endless discussion about what to name the dog. Your 100 WC was full of excitement also, the journey to Limerick, a treat in Mc Donald’s and seeing the puppies for the first and I agree with you it is like the puppy chooses you not the other way round.
    You wrote a lovely heart warming piece about something I hope lots of children get to experience. Well done Hannah.

  2. You show a great knowledge of dog breeds which comes through in your 100wc, especially in the family discussion as they decide which dog is suitable. I love the excitement you show when the decision is made!

    It’s a lovely family story sharing a road trip and the love for the new “adorable” puppy Nessa.

    Thank you Hannah, well written.

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