100wc W33 – Seán Ó C

I always knew there was something special about my dog Timmy, but I never knew just how special until last winter……. I woke up from a deep sleep, as the deafening screams echoed through the cold night. What was it, who was it? I looked for my little brother – he wasn’t there, where could he be? Then I heard Timmy running from his bed, the screams got louder and louder suddenly there was silence. I ran downstairs and there was Timmy by my brother’s side. My brother was sleepwalking and had wandered into our spooky, dreary basement. He was so scared but Timmy had knocked the door down and set him free. To this day we call him Timtastic.

5 thoughts on “100wc W33 – Seán Ó C

  1. Haigh,
    I loved your 100WC, I really enjoyed the fact that you the family pet, Timmy as the hero of the day. I used to watch programmes called Lassie ( a dog) and Skippy (a kangaroo), these were about family pets saving the day and I never missed them, so you couldn’t have written a more enjoyable 100WC challenge for me to enjoy.
    I loved the variety of verbs you used and also the fact that you wrote your piece in the first person meant that the reader was fully aware of what your character was feeling and the urgency throughout the story.
    Finally what a fantastic Timtastic ending.
    A really well written 100WC.

  2. Timmy sure was fantastic and deserved the name of Timtastic. I really liked how you used the questions when you woke up to the screams. It would be such a natural thing to do, even though your heart would probably be beating hard. My heart sank when you said the screams stopped but I wanted to read on to see what had happened and thanks to Timmy everything was good. Well done.

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