100wc W32 – Robyn

My epic baking fails

I have been baking ever since I was a little girl, the first thing I have ever baked by myself was cookies or shall we say saltys, I was only 8 at the time and I was following a recipe but I made a bit of a mistake.  I added 3 tablespoons of salt but it said teaspoons, but “should I really do this?” I thought. I think I gave my family food poisoning, so my last baking fail is when I tried to make cupcakes but instead, I made cookies in a cupcake case and now I’m not allowed to bake.

One thought on “100wc W32 – Robyn

  1. Haigh Robyn,
    Your 100WC challenge made me giggle so much, it was the way you wrote with such a sense of fun and being able to laugh at yourself, the saltys, the mistake with the teaspoon and tablespoon, cupcakes into cookies etc. we have all done it and had a good laugh at ourselves.
    Also I loved that you chose baking as the subject of your 100WC, it’s very appropriate as many people have started to bake again and to answer your question “should I really do this ?”, the answer is yes, have another go at baking, every mistake is a lesson!

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