Ciarán Week 16


Spark Furry was storming through Bark Vegas in his vehicle with only 24 hours left on the clock. Spark’s best friend Rob Bark was held captive by the diabolical Nick Meow and Spark had to retrieve 17 items for Nick Meow. Spark parked up his car into one of the Catsinos in Bark Vegas but he had to climb the wall behind it because the security guards stopped wouldn’t let him come in. Once he got over the wall he could hear the famous Catsino music from Rocket Presley [One of the most famous singers in the world] his nickname is ‘the dog’ and then he heard… “hello Spark” it was Nick Meow…

2 thoughts on “Ciarán Week 16

  1. I love your story so much and its great how you played with words with the catsino also thanks a mill for naming the main character off rocket, he was very happy!

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