
The abandoned museum…

Friday the 13th 1763… that’s when the museum based in Dublin caught fire…

And last Friday my friends and I agreed to visit it… and it was the worst decision of our lives…

We arrived outside the museum at around 6:00pm… suddenly my friend and I heard gunshots behind us… we were petrified our heads turned once more looking at one particular window and the only window that wasn’t covered in steel and heavy metal inside we saw two shadows then suddenly a radiant light came beaming through the window we heard a loud scream one of the shadows covered their eyes… the light blinded him…


3 thoughts on “Lilly

  1. Hi Lilly,
    Great story! I liked the way you set it up at the beginning. Well done on using ellipsis to build suspense. The ending left me wanting to know what will happen next. I’d like to read more in the future. Keep up the good work.
    Michael (Team 100wc), Coventry, UK

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