Libby – Why me?

Why me?

Hi! My name is Libby and this is Ella-Mae. It was Saturday .We walked to school that morning. We met Lilly and Emma along the way. When we got to school everyone was shaking my hand. I was so confused. Someone said “Your mom won €10000” I was shook why didin’t she tell me? Ella-Mae Lilly and Emma stood in silence. Lilly said we weren’t allowed to tell you I stood there in silence.

“why not” I said “because she said you would ask for money” said Emma.

As I went home I could hear my mother crying…

Something tragic happen….

2 thoughts on “Libby – Why me?

  1. Hi Libby,
    Your story was like a rollercoaster of emotions, happy, confused, a bit of anger and then sadness. Well done for managing to fit that all into a 100 wc.

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