Caleb – The Gorilla of my life

The Gorilla of My Life

There was once a gorilla who was eating bananas. Then he saw yellow bricks falling from the sky. He looked up and saw a very pretty gorilla. He instantly fell in love with her and climbed up to her. She jumped to another tree and climbed down. Then he started running towards her and got her in a corner. She had nowhere to go. Then she had to reveal the truth. She was a boy! Then the other gorilla got mad and lets just say that the rest is history so bye!

One thought on “Caleb – The Gorilla of my life

  1. Loved the story.THE GORILLA HE WAS IN LOVE WITH WAS A BOY that’s so funny!!!!
    But I feel bad for the gorilla now but he did round the other gorilla up into a corner do it was kind of fifty fifty keep up the hard work,

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